Jetvariety install script for Jetpack 4.6 on SSD


I would like to know if the automatic installation script here Releases · ArduCAM/MIPI_Camera · GitHub works on a Jetson Xavier NX with JetPack 4.6 and native boot from SSD?


Hi @jeslava

We have not tested this on the new version of JetPack yet and are not quite sure if it boots directly from the ssd.

Can you tell us how you connected the ssd to the Jetson Xavier NX?

For older versions you can refer to the 7-use-ssd-on-xavier-nx in this link IMX477 - Toubleshoot - Arducam

Hi @Mulong,

Actually it is a NVMe disc. It is connected trough M.2 Key M interface (PCB’s bottom side).
According to Jetpack 4.6 Release notes, it is possible to flash a secondary disc as a NVMe disc and boot directly from it without SDcard. I followed this guide in order to implement it: Native Boot for Jetson Xaviers - JetsonHacks

Anyway, have you planned to test the install script and drivers for Jetvariety on Jetpack 4.6?


Hi @jeslava

We have tested it, and there are still some problems. We are fixing it.
You can wait for us to release the new version, or you can modify it manually.

Manual modification steps:

Replace root=xxx in the /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf_bak file with /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf

Hi @Mulong,

Thanks for the advice, it works now!


HI @jeslava

We have added support for Native Boot for Jetson Xavier NX on SSD, which now allows you to install the driver directly using the automatic installation script

Only L4T-R32.6.1 (JetPack 4.6) and later versions are supported