Xavier NX L4T35.1 Dual OV9281 (B0263) problem


I flashed the Jetpack 5.0.2 on Xavier NX Developer Kit (I also had to update its QSPI by following guide). Then I tried to install the driver for the 1MP*2 Stereo Camera Dual OV9281, which is arducam-nvidia-l4t-kernel-t194-5.10.104-tegra-35.1.0-20220819070459_arm64.deb.
I installed successfully everything. The camera can be detected by the command ls /dev/video*.
The problem is that when I tried to display the camera by the example on the github (the script arducam_displayer.py), the system was frozen :cold_face:, nothing was showed and I couldn’t do anything :cold_face:. I had the same problem with VLC player.

However, I also have a Nano Jetson with Jetpack 4.6 and I tested the camera on that system, everything worked smoothly.

Therefore, it seems that this camera is not supported on Jetpack 5.0.1 yet? Can you check this issue?