Variation in focus position between different cameras (IMX519)

In my application I’m using over 100 IMX519 cameras. These are all precisely configured using manual focus - I set the LensPosition (using the Picamera2 library) to a specific value, but I’ve found that some cameras focus at a different distance for the same LensPosition value. I’d say this affects something like 1 in 20 cameras.

Is this something you’re aware of? Would you consider it a fault? I have to change the LensPosition quite a lot to get the focal length I want - e.g. from 4 to 2.

Any other tips? As things are I think my best option is to set up a focus target at the distance I want, let the camera autofocus to that, then record the LensPosition value achieved for every camera, which is not ideal.

We knew it. We do not pay more attention to it because most customers are attracted by its autofocus function.

For now, we could provide two solutions.

  1. Not suggested. You deliver all of the cameras in your hand back to us and we help calibrate it. Of course, a custom service is required in this case.

  2. We will send you a calibration tool and guide that can help out with this matter. By following the guide, you can calibrate all of the cameras in the same Lenspostion value.

Thanks for the reply @Dion. Definitely don’t want to send everything back! :rofl:

I think this time I’ll probably just write my own calibration software - I think I’ll create a test target a fixed distance from the camera, let it autofocus on it, then use the reported LensPosition value to make any adjustment required.

Your tool maybe useful in future though - how does it work?

Hi Richy,
I attached the guide file to Google Drive and you can check it when you are available. Sure, here you go:

Translated by DeepL.
Let me know if you find any part unclear.

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