Missing library file for ArduCAM_ESP32S_UNO_PSRAM - Not in github?

I am using the Arduino IDE to program the ArduCAM_ESP32S_UNO_PSRAM board. I am following the Example Sketch for face detection. The code includes a local library called “arducam_esp32_camera.h”. I am new to the Arduino IDE and I have not been able to find the src code and .h file by that name.

It also doesn’t appear to be in the github directory here: https://github.com/ArduCAM/ArduCAM_ESP32S_UNO_PSRAM

Can someone please point me in the right direction and let me know how to find the src and .h for “arducam_esp32_camera.h”?




The src file has been compiled into a lib file. You can find the .h file in the following directory.


JYH, Thank you for pointing where the .h files are in Arduino.

I have another question though. I am hoping to review the src code for the functions and also for the startCameraServer() in the faceDetection example sketch. Can you point me to the src code in github please?


In fact, we did not open the source code on Arduino. If you need the source code of face detection, you can refer to this link :https://github.com/espressif/esp32-camera