Jetson Xavier NX and Jetvariety drivers

Hi @giskard,

In my case I solved the issue by regressing to R32 4.3 Nvidia distribution, I was not able to get it working with R32 4.4.

Please note that I tested it in november and new versions of the driver could have been released in the meanwhile.



Thanks @jeslava, your suggestion fixed it for me.

I actually made two mistakes:

  1. I downloaded the jetvariety drivers when I had the IMX477 camera, which requires the IMX477 driver.

  2. The arducam drivers for the IMX477 were last updated back in July, with the 32.4.3 jetpack distro, as you pointed out.

Regressing to that release and getting the right driver fixed things for me.

Doesn’t Jetson already support OV9281 natively? How come the native driver doesn’t suffice?