has numerous errors

im trying to get the arducam IMX462 to work on a pi Zero 2W using Mediamtx. There are lots of errors so I started from the install script and found the following: 1. several wries to boot/config.txt which should be /boot/firmware/config.txt. 2. pivariety is spelled pirvarty in 2 places. It should be pivariety. 3. there is no arducam-pivariety.json file anywhere so you will always get an error for that when running libcamera-hello…where is it to be found? 4. i2c MUST be turned on in raspi-config.

Fixing these got the imx462 doing the /usr/bin/libcamera-still now works using sudo, /usr/include/libcamera-apps/libcamera-hello works here and in /home/(user name) though why its in a totally different location I cant say.

I hope this helps some out there, im still trying to get a stream viewable via local internet. Why is this so hard to do? im still trying to figure out how to use the imx462 low light camera from arducam as a nighttime security camera. Im confident it can be done but it seems to require a lot of cleaning up installed file locations and scripts. The hunt for solutions goes on.

Im also quite happy to share my mediamtx.yml file, outputs from “libcamera-hello” and any other info that may help some poor soul trying to build a good security system.