IMX519 Autofocus, How does the autofocus work?

1. Model number / Name of the product(s)?

Arducam 16MP Autofocus Quad-Camera Kit for Raspberry Pi, 16MP IMX519 Autofocus Synchronized Raspberry Pi Camera

  1. What hardware/platform were you working on?

Jetson Nano
Jetpack: 4.6.3
L4T: 32.7.3

  1. Problems you were having?

The autofocus is not functioning as expected. When I aimed the camera directly at a word, it required a distance of approximately 6cm in order to focus on the word. While when I pointed the camera at a picture on the wall, the autofocus is not functioning. The image is still blurred. I was wondering how the autofocus function?

  1. Instructions you have followed. (link/manual/etc.)

I also tried the camera with raspberry pi, I tried the program that can manually adjust the focus. But, it seems like it not working too well too. Then, I navigated through some post and got to know some information about the autofocus. Correct me if I’m wrong, does the autofocus work synchronize on the four cameras?

  1. What help do you need?

Can I know in details how does the autofocus work? Or which documentation can I refer to about the auto focus? What should I be aware of when I play with the autofocus?


On the Raspberry Pi, we are now using the official autofocus algorithm of the Raspberry Pi, which is the mode of pdaf+cdaf. You should be able to go directly to the source code to see how it is implemented.

The autofocus algorithm on jetson is indeed not good enough at present. If you want to use the autofocus function, I highly recommend it on the Raspberry Pi.

Currently want to use the latest autofocus algorithm on the Raspberry Pi you need to follow the link below:

notice:Please keep the kernel above 6.1.21, which is currently a better version.