HQ cam + 16 mm lens + Arducam UVC adaptor gives black picture

Hey @Edward , Thanks for the reply.
Which software tool did you use to record this video? I will use the same and send across the video.
Also to add more context, the image I shared was taken with opencv (VideoCapture().read(mat))


I just use the camera software that comes with windows and open the recording with obisp. You can also try using the camera software that comes with Windows.

Please find the above video.


I read out my firmware and send it to you, you can try it with the same status as mine.
2286-IMX477-A-V220120_V0_02-YinHu_IPC.src (256 KB)

Guide and software
CommonBurnerAP_B0278.7z (2.3 MB)

Please try it again

Hello, Thanks for sharing the updated firmware.
Now, I am unable to set width and height with the new firmware.
Please find the java code below (uses opencv)
VideoCapture capture = new VideoCapture(“/dev/video0”, Videoio.CAP_V4L2);
capture.set(Videoio.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 4032);
capture.set(Videoio.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 3040);

If I skip setting HEIGHT and WIDTH, I am getting a image of size (0,0)


Before using the code directly, could you please test it first using existing software

Hi @Edward , Do you mean with the old firmware that was already on the board? I tested that and gotten partial black images.
Also, now that I have flashed the board with new firmware you have provided, I do not have old firmware which I can use.


I mean can you open the camera with software like amcap or vlc. You are currently using code to use the camera.

I have also tested flashing the new firmware and for me the whole process has been smooth.