How to config IMX519 image settings in Jetson

  1. Where did you get the camera module(s)?
    Arducam eShop

  2. Model number of the product(s)?

  3. What hardware/platform were you working on?
    Jetson (jetpack 5.1.1 i.e. kernel version L4T 35.3.1)

  4. Instructions you have followed. (link/manual/etc.)
    Quick Start Guide - Arducam Wiki

  5. Problems you were having?

  6. The dmesg log from your hardware?

  7. Troubleshooting attempts you’ve made?

  8. What help do you need?

What handles do we have to control the camera settings?
v4l2-ctl listed out a bunch of things but I could not find any doc from Arducam related to them

$ v4l2-ctl --list-ctrls -d /dev/video0

Camera Controls

                     group_hold 0x009a2003 (bool)   : default=0 value=0 flags=execute-on-write
                    sensor_mode 0x009a2008 (int64)  : min=0 max=4 step=1 default=0 value=0 flags=slider
                           gain 0x009a2009 (int64)  : min=16 max=256 step=1 default=16 value=35 flags=slider
                       exposure 0x009a200a (int64)  : min=13 max=683709 step=1 default=2495 value=33000 flags=slider
                     frame_rate 0x009a200b (int64)  : min=2000000 max=10000000 step=1 default=10000000 value=9000000 flags=slider
           sensor_configuration 0x009a2032 (u32)    : min=0 max=4294967295 step=1 default=0 [22] flags=read-only, volatile, has-payload
         sensor_mode_i2c_packet 0x009a2033 (u32)    : min=0 max=4294967295 step=1 default=0 [1026] flags=read-only, volatile, has-payload
      sensor_control_i2c_packet 0x009a2034 (u32)    : min=0 max=4294967295 step=1 default=0 [1026] flags=read-only, volatile, has-payload
                    bypass_mode 0x009a2064 (intmenu): min=0 max=1 default=0 value=1
                override_enable 0x009a2065 (intmenu): min=0 max=1 default=0 value=1
                   height_align 0x009a2066 (int)    : min=1 max=16 step=1 default=1 value=1
                     size_align 0x009a2067 (intmenu): min=0 max=2 default=0 value=0
               write_isp_format 0x009a2068 (int)    : min=1 max=1 step=1 default=1 value=1
       sensor_signal_properties 0x009a2069 (u32)    : min=0 max=4294967295 step=1 default=0 [30][18] flags=read-only, has-payload
        sensor_image_properties 0x009a206a (u32)    : min=0 max=4294967295 step=1 default=0 [30][16] flags=read-only, has-payload
      sensor_control_properties 0x009a206b (u32)    : min=0 max=4294967295 step=1 default=0 [30][36] flags=read-only, has-payload
              sensor_dv_timings 0x009a206c (u32)    : min=0 max=4294967295 step=1 default=0 [30][16] flags=read-only, has-payload
               low_latency_mode 0x009a206d (bool)   : default=0 value=0
               preferred_stride 0x009a206e (int)    : min=0 max=65535 step=1 default=0 value=0
                   sensor_modes 0x009a2082 (int)    : min=0 max=30 step=1 default=30 value=4 flags=read-only

My original problem:
The image from the cam seems “artificially sharpened”, see the edges below. This is actually harmful in my use case. I wonder if the sensor had some internal ISP applied? If so I would like to disable that
