Grainy image from IMX219 on Orin NX

Hi, I have problem with that the image is in pour condition. I think it’s the lens problem since this is a 220°(H) wide-angle M12 Lens. Does any know what could be the issue? Thanks
This is the image (sorry I can upload directly)
Imgur: The magic of the Internet


Is your Jeston baseboard official?

What system are you using (e.g. l4t36.3.1Jetpack6.0)?

Do you have other cameras? Or switch the camera’s CSI port to try and see if the problem still exists

Yes, it’s the Jetson Xavier NX Developer Kit - Get Started | NVIDIA Developer carrier board with the Orin NX module on it. I have JetPack 5.1.1 with Jetson Linux 35.3.1

I actually tested with 2 b0287 cameras at the same time on both ports and they both yield the same result. Do you have any other suggestion to tell if it’s the lens problem or imaging sensor problem?
