Getting Arducam Tof Camera working on Jetson Orin Nano (Jetpack 6.0)

I recently acquired an Arducam ToF Camera to use on a machine vision project.

After some trial and error I was able to get everything to compile and display the camera image, but it has Interlacing Issues (exactly as described in the troubleshooting page of the wiki).

Also, the python dependencies don’t install… but I figured I would start with the interlacing issue, since that seems to be a driver problem.

I plugged the ToF camera into a Raspberry Pi 4 B and everything works great, so the hardware is good.

So where do I start with troubleshooting this? And what information do you need me to provide?

Hi @SirJoab
Thank you for your inquiry.
This is a big detection and bug that we have not tried ToF Cameras on Jetson Orin Nano(Jetpack 6.0) for now. We’ll try it and get back to you ASAP.

I am experiencing same issue with python dependencies not installing on Jetson Nano

Just curious, any update? Suggestions of what I could do on my end? I’d love to get this camera up and running!