Flush Framebuffer using ArducamEvkSdk

Where did you get the camera module(s)?
Model number of the product(s)?
EK030 with serial number : 3272496313125
What hardware/platform were you working on?
Arducam108Mp with USB3 CameraSHield and official USB3 cable.
Linux Ubuntu 22.04 + Python 3.11 + ArducamEvkSDK v0.0.8
4. Instructions you have followed. (link/manual/etc.)
ArducamEvkSDK Python example

Problems you were having?
After changing camera setting (focus, exposure, etc.) using ArducamEvkSDK, a frame acquisition return a previously acquired frame without setting changed.
I would like to get a new frame when calling capture methode from SDK
Problem remain the same using async method. Last acquired framed could be a previously stored, no up-to-date frame.

The dmesg log from your hardware?

Troubleshooting attempts you’ve made?
Read arducamevksdk manual

What help do you need?
ArducamEvkSDK function to flush image buffer. A an capture() method which flush buffer and acquire a new one.
In order to get up-to-date image from camera I need to flush buffer before acquisition (sync mode)

Any update @arducam-support-team ?

@SupportTeam could you support us on this feature ?

A clear_buffer method in ArducamEvkSDK.Camera class is documented in online doc : Python API Reference — Arducam EVK SDK (beta) documentation. However this method does not exists in 0.15 ArducamEvkSDK python package. Tested using ‘dir’ method on a Camera object. No method called clear_buffer does exists.

How could I use this clear_buffer method in Python with Arducam 108mp camera @SupportTeam ?
