Can't detect i2c address using ubuntu 20.04 on pi4 works with octoprint

I have a pi4 model b with a imx219 connected to a camera v2 board via the mipi ribbon cable.

All of the following is done with the same hardware connections - just different OS loaded onto the sd card, flashed via raspberry pi imager.

Using Ubuntu 20.04 server (manually installing ubuntu desktop) (desired setup)
adding in dtparam=i2c_vc=on to /boot/firmware/usercfg.txt, and forcing the raspi-config to enable the camera.
running vcgencmd get_camera shows 1 detected, and 1 compatable
i am able to play the video stream using ffplay /dev/video0
however running i2cdetect on any of the i2c bus is hit and miss at even getting the 64 adress to show up, never able to get to the 0c or 10 addresses to show.

Using Raspbery Pi OS
again adding dtparam=i2c_vc=on and using raspi-config to enable legacy camera support
running vcgencmd get_camera shows 1 detected, 1 compatable and 0 libcamera devices
i am able to play using ffplay /dev/video0
running the i2cdetect on any of the available i2c buses gives me the 64 device, but no 10, or 0c devices

using Octoprint
again adding the dtparam=i2c_vc=on and using raspi-config to enable the camera
running vcgencmd get_camera shows 1 detected and 1 compatable
i am able to play using ffplay /dev/video0
running i2cdetect will show the 64, 10 and 0c devices for 1 of the busses and allows setting of focus via i2cset commands

Is it possible to get the i2c bus to detect the camera focus module on ubutno 20.04 - or is there an alternative control mode for adjusting the focus using a system driver? i am trying to run using ros2 which is easiest installed on ubuntu 20.04 which is the reason for using that version in the begining.

I think it may be because you have not turned on the camera, so the i2c address of the camera cannot be detected, because the camera is not powered when it is not turned on.

that seems to have done it - if i play using ffplay, and then do the i2cdetect it works…