Can't connect USB3 Camera Shield UC-593 to OG02B10

  1. Which seller did you purchase the product(s) from?

  2. The Model number of the product(s) you have purchased?
    USB3.0 shield plus UC-593 Rev. C + OG02B10 UC-788 Rev. B

  3. Which Platform are you using the product(s) on?
    Linux / Windows

  4. Which instruction are you following?

  5. Has your product ever worked properly?

  6. What problems are you experiencing?
    I’m trying to run the demo program

python3 -v --preview-width 1280 -f Config/USB3.0_UC-593\ Rev.C/MIPI/OG02B10/Channel_A/OG02B10_MIPI_2Lane_RAW8_1280x720_120fps.cfg

but it keeps throwing USB_CAMERA_USB_TIMEOUT_ERROR. I tried all four configs for OG02B10 and they’re all the same.

For the simulation config, it works fine and shows the image with stripes.

I also tried with the USBTest.exe on Windows 11, it also shows USB transfer timeout error on the left side.

Since I bought the shield and the camera separately, I do notice that the mark number of my OG02B10 is not the same as shown in the official guide of the bundle

The official bundle seems to use UC-621 Rev.C but mine is UC-788 Rev.B, is it a problem?

  1. What attempts at troubleshooting have you already made?
    Described above

  2. How would you like us to help you?
    Any suggestions what could cause this error?

1 Like

You can try our new SDK which solves the stripes problem.
arm:Modify cfg file - #18 by Edward
x86-64:Modify cfg file - #17 by Edward

You need to replace the cfg file in the example with your cfg file.

Hi Dion,

Thanks for your suggestion. I tried the program but I still get the same timeout error.

And actually, the problem I met is different from the one in the link.
I said when I use the config /sim/sim_1920x1080.cfg, I can see this image of strips:

I think this means the connection between the computer and the USB shield is good, but the connection between the USB shield and the camera has some problems, right?

Hi Dion,

Is there any update on this problem?

I did some more testing. According to this post, I tried to Read/Write the register (Write 0x55 to register 0x3012 and read), and I successfully get the same value, just like this.

I also tried to connect the camera to a raspberry PI, and it works with the libcamera-still to view & capture image. So I guess there’s some problem between the communication of the shield and the camera?

Could you access the camera in the USBtest on the Windows OS? We’d like to verify if the camera shield is normal on the Windows OS.

Have you modified our cfg file?

Hi Dion,

I tried to use the USBtest on windows to Read/Write the register (Write 0x55 to register 0x3012 and read), and I successfully get the same value, just like this video: arducam reg read - YouTube; but when I press the play button, there would be red text shows in the left like this:

[04:30:05]USB camera init success!

[04:30:28]USB transfer timeout error
[04:30:26]USB transfer timeout error
[04:30:26]USB transfer timeout error
[04:30:26]USB transfer timeout error
[04:30:26]USB transfer timeout error
[04:30:26]USB transfer timeout error
[04:30:26]USB transfer timeout error

I used the cfg file cloned from ArduCAM_USB_Camera_Shield/Config/USB3.0_UC-593 Rev.C/MIPI/OG02B10/Channel_A at master · ArduCAM/ArduCAM_USB_Camera_Shield (, without modification.

Hi Dion,
Is there any update?