Arducam Mega GUI application - parser timeout error

  1. Where did you get the camera module(s)?
    MICUS Engineering

  2. Model number of the product(s)?
    ArduCAM-2MP-Plus (B0067)

  3. What hardware/platform were you working on?
    windowns & Micro:bit

  4. Instructions you have followed. (link/manual/etc.)
    Welcome to Gui Tool! — SPICamera documentation

  5. Problems you were having?
    Arducam Mega GUI get error report: parser timeout error

  6. The dmesg log from your hardware?

  7. Troubleshooting attempts you’ve made?

  8. What help do you need?

Hi Team,

we are working on an IOT project using ArduCAM-2MP-Plus (B0067) with Micro:bit V2 board and came across some problem when using Arducam Mega GUI application to caputure picture.

the hardware part I refer to following tutorial, and it works well in the makecode interface
while, our project need to save pictures once getting motion sensor signal(event driven), so we are considering using some series port tool to capture & save pictures.

after studying the ArduCam document, I follow the following steps:

  1. download the Arduino IDE
  2. install arducam_mega library: Click LIBRARY MANAGER in Arduino IDE → enter “arducam_mega” in the input box to search for the Arduacm_Mega library-> then install it.
  3. Add micro:bit to Arduino boards manger
  4. download the Arducam Mega GUI application - ArducamMega (Q&A : 4)
  5. follow the guide for full_featured of micro:bit: Micro bit — SPICamera documentation
  6. open the Arducam Mega GUI :once I click the open port, I got an error message: parser timeout error.

I would like to know how to solve this problem and would appreciate your support with it.


Best Regards


Hey I have the same issue on mine but with a Raberry pi pico and a B0400.
Did you find a solution ?


Best Regards

The same problem here. I bought this product for my master’s thesis but since then I couldn’t get it to operate and I keep getting the same error. I tried it in many different arduinos. If there’s someone that knows the solution please enlighten us…



As soon as I posted this comment, I fixed my own problem. My baudrate was set to 115200 somewhere in the “full_featured” script and tutorial was telling me to set it to 921600. So check your serial monitor for the right baudrate and set your baudrate to the corresponding value on the GUI. Very stupid of me but tutorial was a bit misleading so better to be careful :slight_smile:
