Arducam IMX586 48MP issue with camera resolution in win 11

I purchased the Arducam IMX586 48MP Motorized Focus USB 3.0 Camera Module for direct use in Windows. However, I am encountering a problem: I cannot set or use a resolution higher than 4000 x 3000 pixels when utilizing the Windows camera app.

I have conducted tests on various setups, including those with Intel Core i5 and i7 12th generation processors, and with 16 and 32 GB of RAM. I also tried different USB cables, but to no avail.

I expected the camera to function at full resolution in Windows. Perhaps additional drivers are required?

I adhered to your documentation, which recommends PotPlayer as a tool for controlling the camera. However, I found no option to permanently save the camera settings.

Could you please advise on how to set and use the full camera resolution for taking still pictures in Windows applications? Additionally, is there a method to control and store camera settings such as shutter speed and zoom in Windows?

@ArducamGlobal I’m not sure if this is the right tag, but I’d love to have company input here.


Can you change to the full resolution on Potplayer?

No, it couldn’t. The camera will reset all controls when it is power-off.

Essentially, this camera isn’t well-suited for Windows usage. It doesn’t operate seamlessly with Windows applications, web browsers, and other software at its maximum resolution. Consequently, it lacks full control over essential aspects like image quality and focus. To provide a more accurate product description, it’s advisable to clarify that certain camera features and resolutions are only partially compatible with Windows.

If the aforementioned points are indeed accurate, please confirm. I find myself regretting a $200 investment in a camera whose Windows functionality appears on par with a cheap 4k camera. Am I correct?

Yes, but only there. Any other Windows application, browser operate only at 12MP.

You can also try the demo below: