Arducam-evk-sdk-beta-dev API Documentation

Where did you get the camera module(s)?


Model number of the product(s)?

EK030 with serial number : 3272496313125

What hardware/platform were you working on?

Arducam108Mp with USB3 CameraSHield and official USB3 cable.

Linux Ubuntu 22.04 + Python 3.11 + ArducamEvKSDK (GitHub - ArduCAM/ArduCam_EVK_Demo)

Instructions you have followed. (link/manual/etc.)

Readme from : GitHub - ArduCAM/ArduCam_EVK_Demo (Python)

Problems you were having?

I am unable to get the documentation to :

setCtrl (exposureTime, focus, Gains, etc.)
start a threaded capture as in GitHub - ArduCAM/ArduCAM_USB_Camera_Shield_Python_Demo

New SDK seems to break compatibility with this Demo repo

The dmesg log from your hardware?

Troubleshooting attempts you’ve made?

What help do you need?

API documentation to be able to set and get camera controls using new python Evk SDK. At least methods prototypes used in SDK Python Demo example


Any ideas @SupportTeam ?


Please refer to this example

Our new documentation:

The beta version is to replace the original ArducamSDK
It is under development (is a beta version)
Thank you for trying this beta version, if you have any questions or suggestions please let me know