Arducam 64mp Python Still Image Autofocus

I’m trying to capture an image with autofocus, does the AFTrigger only work in video mode? I tried throwing some sleeps in there, still blurry. Here is what I’m working with:

import time
from picamera2 import Picamera2
picam2 = Picamera2()

camera_config = picam2.create_still_configuration(main={"size": (1920, 1080)}, lores={"size": (640, 480)}, display="lores")

What is the appropriate method for autofocusing still images?

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Take a look. If using 0.0.10 you have to set AfMode=1 also

Having same problem here…When I call the camera from the command line with:

libcamera-hello -t 0 --autofocus, I get this crisp, gorgeous HD image

but when I used the configuration command above, my pic is out of focus and it looks like minecraft for lack of a better word…

Does anyone have some pre-set settings to get the camera focused and working normally?

I tried AnotherDredd’s suggestion, didn’t see that in the repo, thank you. So I added:

picam2.set_controls({"AfMode": 1 ,"AfTrigger": 0})

to my initial code. You get about 3-4, camera failed to start errors. Eventually you will get a blurry picture, then you delete the ,“AfTrigger”: 0 part of that line. Then you may start getting clear pictures. But again, in between lots of failed camera starts. REboot the Pi and back to blurry. I’m trying a fresh install this morning, see how that goes, keep you posted.

Tried twice this morning from a fresh install. Do an install, upgrade system, follow instructions for libcamera from this site. After this I can no longer install any package, neither picamera2 or tightvncviewer. Get a broke dependencies error that I can’t correct.

I get the feeling after spending 2 days on this camera just to try and make it work is that it’s more of a novelty than something you’re going to use in a production environment anywhere.

I was thinking about writing a bash script to call the autofocus command, then calling the code that gets the shots. Then you can sort of automate it? I’m still kind of surprised there is not a set way to do this though.

I was going to use it to replace a 13mp Camera that is already written into a Python script, doing that seems backwards but if it’s the only way. I guess I could wait a bit and see if their Dev team actually supports this camera for Python in the future. It was released 6 months ago, think it would be a little more dialed in by now.

Afmode1 Aftrigger 0 initiates focus but you have to include a sleep 5 or something in order to get focused (you know, focusing lag)

There are several issues here.

  • Raspberrypi/Picamera2 library is poorly documented, for example signal callbacks, that would be solution for wait crashes.
  • arducam hawkeye has so much information to dump and rpi/debian has an issue with gpu memory alloc. That is, the only way to get fair results is booting on cli, or very low screen resolution. A solution could be slow streaming as far as the hardware could do it (i dunno)

So is there any method of reliably taking an autofocus still image with this camera?

Has there been any development in regards to making this camera take still images? Will this be a feature in the future?

So you just need to take still images? Why don’t you try the libcamera command?
That’s an easier way, isn’t is?

Hi look here
It is necessary to watch the time in which the camera is able to focus. At a normal 16Mpix resolution, the normal timenout 5000 may not be enough. You need to add the -t 8000 parameter, at full resolution where the camera has only 2.7fps you need a time longer than 30sec. Try 35sec -t 35000.