An unknown error occurred while installing dtoverlays

an unknown error occurred while installing dtoverlays.
dpkg: error prcessing package arducam-l4t-kernel (–install):
installed arducam-nvidia-l4t-kernel package post-installation
returned error exit status 255
errors were encountered while processing:
unknown error,please send the error messege to [email protected]

How can I fix this error? jetpack 6.0/36.3 ubuntu 20.04 . imx477 camera Jetson Orin nano

Can you post pictures of your Jetson Orin Nano?
If you cannot post pictures here in the forum, please attach it in the google drive.

Jetson Orin Nano 8GB Devoloper Kit. I installed the jetpack 36.3 on the SSD.

Which command did you use to install the imx477 camera driver?

chmod +x
./ -m imx477
I used command

Can you give me the complete print information?

The problem goes away when it finds the appropriate dep file, but I couldn’t find it.

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
cd ~
I added this here. jetpack 6.0/36.3 imx477 ubuntu 20.04 jetson orin nano 8 gb devoloper kits