USB2 Rev E Shield GPIO Pins

1.Which seller did you purchase the product(s) from?

2.The Model number of the product(s) you have purchased?
USB2 Rev E Shield
3.Which Platform are you using the product(s) on?

4.Which instruction are you following?

5.Has your product ever worked properly?

6.What problems are you experiencing?
I see 2 GPIO pins mentioned in the register table for the USB2 Rev E Shield.
Are these pins available on the PCB? I do not see them in the connector pin outs.
I do see pin header holes next to the USB connector, maybe these are the GPIO?

7.What attempts at troubleshooting have you already made?

8.How would you like us to help you?

Hi @marcvandyke

here is the pinout:

Note: These pins do not have headers at the factory, you need to solder them yourself.


I can control the 2 GPIO pins as outputs but I can not read them as inputs.
The setting of 0x12 works correctly, I can set the pins set correctly as both Outputs and Inputs.
The setting of 0x14 works correctly when the pins are set as Outputs.
ArduCam_setboardConfig(tempHandle, 0xD7, 0x4600, 0x1200, 1, u8Buf);
ArduCam_setboardConfig(tempHandle, 0xD7, 0x4600, 0x1400, 1, u8Buf);
Pins measure Low.
ArduCam_setboardConfig(tempHandle, 0xD7, 0x4600, 0x1400, 1, u8Buf);
Pins measure High.

Now setting the pins as inputs. And reading 0x14 to get the input pin values.
ArduCam_setboardConfig(tempHandle, 0xD7, 0x4600, 0x1200, 1, u8Buf);
ArduCam_getboardConfig(tempHandle, 0xD7, 0x4600, 0x1300, 1, u8Buf);
printf(“GPIO Inputs 0x%x\n”,u8Buf[0]);
The read of 0x13 does not return the correct value as the input pins are toggled Low and High.

What am I missing? Thanks, Marc


Now setting the pins as inputs. And reading 0x14 to get the input pin values.


Now setting the pins as inputs. And reading 0x13 to get the input pin values.
Notice it is 0x13 in the getboardConfig.

Hi @marcvandyke

I just confirmed that there are some errors in the previous register description, this is the new version:

Unfortunately the register table update does not fix the read 0x13 problem.
I am already setting both GPIO to inputs with write 0x12 0x00

Can you try this on your USB2 Rev E Shield

ArduCam_setboardConfig(tempHandle, 0xD7, 0x4600, 0x1200, 1, u8Buf);
ArduCam_getboardConfig(tempHandle, 0xD7, 0x4600, 0x1300, 1, u8Buf);
printf(“GPIO Inputs 0x%x\n”,u8Buf[0]);

With the inputs set to both High and Low.

Thanks, Marc

Hi @marcvandyke

0xD7 in ArduCam_getboardConfig/ArduCam_setboardConfig represents of write.
I suggest you use ArduCam_writeReg_8_8, ArduCam_readReg_8_8
ArduCam_writeReg_8_8(tempHandle, 0x46, 0x12, 0x00)
uint32_t value;
ArduCam_readReg_8_8(tempHandle, 0x46, 0x13, &value);