Part info about the SKU: UB0232 connector

1.Which seller did you purchase the product(s) from?

2.The Model number of the product(s) you have purchased?
3.Which Platform are you using the product(s) on?
Custom platform
4.Which instruction are you following?

5.Has your product ever worked properly?

6.What problems are you experiencing?
We are planning to use SKU: UB0232 (Arducam 1MP OV9281 Global Shutter USB Camera Board with Low Distortion M12 Lens, Dual Microphones UVC USB2.0 Webcam Module for Computer, Laptop, Android Device and Raspberry Pi) into our medical imaging product, but the issue we are facing is, we want to attain minimum form factor for product possible and the SKU: UB0232 USB connector is too big, so we are planning to make our own custom cable replacing the USB2.0 to USB-C (just the connector) so in order to make the custom cable can you please share the part no, of the 4 pin connector both male and female used in SKU: UB0232 cable.
7.What attempts at troubleshooting have you already made?
tried searching on various arducam forums and blogs and other sourcing websites
8.How would you like us to help you?
Please give the part no. .of the connector

Hello, this is the part number you want:
Camera Board Connector: B4B-ZR(LF)(SN)
Matching connector : ZHR-4