
I have setup RPI4 with Ubuntu Server 64Bit with ROS distro “noetic”. I want to install ov9281 via (https://www.arducam.com/docs/cameras-for-raspberry-pi/mipi-camera-modules/camera-userland-driver-sdk-and-examples/)

after adapting several files I can start to compile via make.

I get the error that libarducam_mipicamera.o is incompatible. I guess that is because the lib is for 32Bit not for 64Bit.

I let it run on Ubuntuserver 32Bit. The compile work. But the ./arducamstill -? deliver no data.

After several try’s to enable the i2c I couldn’t see the cam via sudo i2cdetect -y 1.

Need help…

Would be nice to get a short info?

Interested too