NoIR camera

I have bought the Sync Stereo Camera HAT with the stereo camera board.

I have a regular raspberry pi no ir that I would like to use with this system.

I know that one alternative would be to remove the camera board and put two raspberry pi cameras (one RGB and one NO IR), following the connection instructions provided here:

However, I was wondering whether it would be possible to snap one of the cameras on the stereo board with the noIR camera that I already have. The lenses is connected on the board with a connector, however, I don’t know if underneath the lenses there are some soldering.

Do you think this can be done or it is better to use two cameras and connect together as you report in the documentation?


sorry for my poor English, can you describe your problem in detail?

Do you want to use two camera (one is noIR and the other is RGB) to connect them to

our Sync stereo camera Hat?

Can you describe this paragraph in detail:

However, I was wondering whether it would be possible to snap one of the cameras on the stereo board with the noIR camera that I already have. The lenses is connected on the board with a connector, however, I don’t know if underneath the lenses there are some soldering.