Mystery pins on the USB 2.0 Camera Shield UC-391 Rev.D

1.Which seller did you purchase the product(s) from?
2.The Model number of the product(s) you have purchased?
USB 2.0 Camera Shield UC-391 Rev.D
3.Which Platform are you using the product(s) on?
4.Which instruction are you following?
5.Has your product ever worked properly?
6.What problems are you experiencing?

I have the USB 2.0 Camera Shield UC-391 Rev.D.

My question is, what is the purpose of these pins? Are they basically the same as the Micro-USB pinouts so we as the end-user can solder wires to them rather than plug a USB cable?
7.What attempts at troubleshooting have you already made?
8.How would you like us to help you?
Provide more information on what these pins are?