Millisecond picture timestamp on 64MP with raspberry?

Hello, I need to make regular pictures (about every 1s) on a raspberry, with a millisecond-accurate timestamp.
So far, I’m using the Arducam 64MP camera Night owl, with rpicam, and 1ms aperture time.
However, the exif timestamp when using rpicam has only 1s accuracy, which is not accurate enough.

How could I obtain a timestamp of millisecond accuracy on my pictures?
I’m open to using python, or to add an additional hardware module if needed.


We didn’t try using the camera in this way so we could not provide some helpful advice.
However, you can try a lower resolution instead of the full res.
What do you think of it?

Hi, thanks for the answer. I may indeed lower the resolution. However, the issue is not the framerate or resolution, but rather to know exactly when the picture was taken (using the RPI’s time, which is itself synchronized with a GPS time).

In my case I need a timestamp of max 5ms precision, and the timestamp in the exif is given only with 1 second (1000ms) resolution.