Make it work on Raspberry Pi 4B - Ubuntu - 64 bit - ROS


I have purchased the Stereo 5 MP Synchronised cameras (this).

My goal is to use these cameras with Ubuntu 20 and ROS.
I have a 64 bit OS.

I have several questions:

  1. I could find how to enable the i2c: I had to go to /boot/firmware and there modify the config.txt.
  2. I cloned the GitHub MIPI_Camera and tried the instructions from this video. However, the make clean && make doesn't work because '/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/ when searching for -larducam_mipicamera'
  3. This for now means I cannot continue further.
I saw this GitHub repo and therefore the command: wget but I didn't do it yet since I don't know if this is for Raspberry Pi OS only of if it can be done with Ubuntu.

Does anyone have any idea how to make the cameras work in my configuration?

More generally, any code run like will return cannot find -larducam_mipicamera .

For now, the script ./camera_i2c returns the following.

error message

Thank you for your help


Update - After copying the file from lib/aarch64/ to /usr/lib; I have errors due to mmal.

I would also like to know this. Is there an update on having Arducamstill working on Ubuntu systems? I am having the same exact error as above.

me too!