IMX462 libcmaera-still --shutter option doesn't work

Thanks for the info. It is strange for me to encounter this. Sorry to bother you but still a few questions. Do you capture in RAW or just jpgs? Do you use libcamera-still or Picamera2 in your scripts?

I did try RAW as well as jpg but only as a test of concept and did not process the images to the point where they seemed better than the jpg. I am new to that. Attached is a screen shot of a dmg of Jupiter. (forum doesn’t seem to allow dmg uploads). Hot pixels and sensor noise has not been subtracted, of course,

Looking back at my notes I did most testing with libcamera-still with manual exposure and AGC, as you mentioned. At the time, a year ago, I found Picamera2 very buggy and frustrating. Raspberry Pi seems unwilling to support Arducam users and Arducam seems slow to accommodate the forever evolving Pi system architecture.