How to connect 108MP camera to Raspberry pi 4B 8GB

  1. Where did you get the camera module(s)?
    Arducam website
  2. Model number of the product(s)?
    I don’t know
  3. What hardware/platform were you working on?
    Raspberry pi 4B 8GB
  4. Instructions you have followed. (link/manual/etc.)
    I don’t have instruction
  5. Problems you were having?
    I don’t know how to connect the 108MP camera to raspberry pi 4B and use it to take pictures
  6. The dmesg log from your hardware?
  7. Troubleshooting attempts you’ve made?
  8. What help do you need?
    I would like to have a instruction to show me how to connect the 108MP camera to raspberry pi 4B and use it to take picture