Good depth map not possible on imx477 stereo bundle


Has anyone actually managed to use the synchronised stereo cameras 12mp from arducam and obtained a good depth map, I gave up using them, I bought 2 camera HAT’s and have never got it to a decent point, half of the issue seems to be that although they mention getting different resolutions like 4056x3040 the cameras don’t seem to be scaled properly when you buy them the aspect ratio is not correct after splitting, they look like the photos are squished, this in return seems to cause issues with the focal length in pixels, I have also had issues with the field of view being different from each camera even though they’re synchronised for example one where the objects appear closer and the other one further away which makes the rectification near impossible, I used them for over 2 years and got nowhere, I would be intrigued as I have not seen one decent video of indoor / outdoor of these cameras actually being used in the field. I have been through countless repo’s.