Cannot use the

I had used multiple camera adapters for my project. I was able to see the 3 cameras working through C++ ./previewOpencv. Then I tried to run the
This is the error message I received. Does anyone know why?

Start testing the camera D
[0:05:39.416330678] [1251]  INFO Camera camera_manager.cpp:293 libcamera v0.0.0
ERROR: *** no cameras available ***

I also run the sudo i2cdetect -y 1 And here is the result.


You can check if there is any problem with the camera wiring of channel 4. Or swap the cameras of channel 1 and channel 4. Then observe whether the camera of channel 1 can operate normally.

Hello, all the channels showing the same error. Sorry that did not capture all the error message.


If four channels show the same error. It may be that the cable from the CSI interface to the adapter board is not properly connected. Can you send me a photo of the connecting cable of the adapter board?

C++ file can open the four cameras, it just does not work on the python file.

Hi, was this ever resolved? Did you ever get it working? I am encountering the same issue.


We have a new way to use it, you can try it.