Cannot mae clean && make

Do you mean a picture?

The camera connector is facing the right way (metal bits facing HDMI port) and is properly in the socket.

I’ve double checked the connections and now ./arducamstill -? lists all the available formats. However, if I try to take a picture or use ./preview-dualcam, I either get “init camera status = 4100” or a timeout.

“./camera_i2c” still doesn’t show any connections. I checked /boot/config.txt and the required lines are there.


Thanks for your detail hardware connection image. Don’t worry and I will try my best to help you.

It seems the software exist some issues, please tell me your sensor ID. which camera are you using? 219 or 477 or other sensor?

I advise you using official release 32 bit OS to test the hardware to check if the hardware is normal.



I am using fisheye lens drop-in replacement (IMX-219) which was advised to me by the sales department to work with the stereo camera:

I have tried with the original sensors and I have the same issue.

I am using official Raspbian 32-bit OS. I installed the camera library on a fresh installation and get the same issues.



Firstly, Please use a single camera instead of stereo hat to test if the camera interface is normal.

Just connect the imx219 to pi’s camera interface and use raspistill -t 0 command to test.



I had the same problem. I am not sure whether this thread is closed or still open. Regardless, I just want to say that I solved this problem by enabling the legacy camera support in raspi-config and adding start_x=1 in config.txt. Since the legacy camera needs mmal libraries, enabling it would resolve this issue.
So, if you are able to access a single camera through raspistill or raspivid, then you should be able to install the MIPI driver.