I’m capturing photos remotely via WiFi, aimed at a bunch of growing vegitables.
I have noticed that the images are going pink as the vegitables grow up, and the camera is seeing lots of green. After the vegitables are gone, the color goes back to normal.
I thought it was because of auto white balance, so I tried tweaking controls
on the configuration.
At first I tried "AwbMode": libcamera.controls.AwbModeEnum.Daylight
, and then tried to completely disable it as seen in the following code.
However, it seems like the weird coloring is not going away in either case.
I have tried restarting the program, and then completely rebooting the system.
Am I doing something wrong in configuring the camera?
Hardware: Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W
OS version: Bookworm
Camera: B0392
Lens: LN013
Thanks in advance.
Code: import socketimport osfrom picamera2 import Picamera2, Previewimport sys - Pastebin.com