Arducam AR0234 Error

i bought this :

can’t get it working… can someone help me?

the Error :

libcamera-hello: symbol lookup error: /usr/local/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libcamera/ undefined symbol: _ZN9libcamera14FileDescriptorC1ERKi

i use v0.0.3 from :

complete log :

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ uname -a
Linux raspberrypi 5.15.32-v7l+ #1538 SMP Thu Mar 31 19:39:41 BST 2022 armv7l GNU/Linux
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ libcamera-hello --version
libcamera-apps build: 015efd0e17cb-intree 17-04-2022 (05:19:36)
libcamera build: v0.0.0+3517-dd8b1723
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ dmesg | grep arducam
[    8.805325] arducam: loading out-of-tree module taints kernel.
[    8.955251] arducam-pivariety 10-000c: firmware version: 0x10003
[    9.560589] arducam-pivariety 10-000c: Consider updating driver arducam-pivariety to match on endpoints
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ls /dev/video* -l
crw-rw----+ 1 root video 81, 13 Apr 17 04:54 /dev/video0
crw-rw----+ 1 root video 81, 14 Apr 17 04:54 /dev/video1
crw-rw----+ 1 root video 81,  4 Apr 17 04:54 /dev/video10
crw-rw----+ 1 root video 81,  5 Apr 17 04:54 /dev/video11
crw-rw----+ 1 root video 81, 10 Apr 17 04:54 /dev/video12
crw-rw----+ 1 root video 81,  0 Apr 17 04:54 /dev/video13
crw-rw----+ 1 root video 81,  1 Apr 17 04:54 /dev/video14
crw-rw----+ 1 root video 81,  2 Apr 17 04:54 /dev/video15
crw-rw----+ 1 root video 81,  3 Apr 17 04:54 /dev/video16
crw-rw----+ 1 root video 81, 11 Apr 17 04:54 /dev/video18
crw-rw----+ 1 root video 81,  6 Apr 17 04:54 /dev/video20
crw-rw----+ 1 root video 81,  7 Apr 17 04:54 /dev/video21
crw-rw----+ 1 root video 81,  8 Apr 17 04:54 /dev/video22
crw-rw----+ 1 root video 81,  9 Apr 17 04:54 /dev/video23
crw-rw----+ 1 root video 81, 12 Apr 17 04:54 /dev/video31
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ v4l2-ctl --list-formats-ext
        Type: Video Capture

        [0]: 'YUYV' (YUYV 4:2:2)
                Size: Stepwise 16x16 - 16376x16376 with step 1/1
        [1]: 'UYVY' (UYVY 4:2:2)
                Size: Stepwise 16x16 - 16376x16376 with step 1/1
        [2]: 'YVYU' (YVYU 4:2:2)
                Size: Stepwise 16x16 - 16376x16376 with step 1/1
        [3]: 'VYUY' (VYUY 4:2:2)
                Size: Stepwise 16x16 - 16376x16376 with step 1/1
        [4]: 'RGBP' (16-bit RGB 5-6-5)
                Size: Stepwise 16x16 - 16376x16376 with step 1/1
        [5]: 'RGBR' (16-bit RGB 5-6-5 BE)
                Size: Stepwise 16x16 - 16376x16376 with step 1/1
        [6]: 'RGBO' (16-bit A/XRGB 1-5-5-5)
                Size: Stepwise 16x16 - 16376x16376 with step 1/1
        [7]: 'RGBQ' (16-bit A/XRGB 1-5-5-5 BE)
                Size: Stepwise 16x16 - 16376x16376 with step 1/1
        [8]: 'RGB3' (24-bit RGB 8-8-8)
                Size: Stepwise 16x16 - 16376x16376 with step 1/1
        [9]: 'BGR3' (24-bit BGR 8-8-8)
                Size: Stepwise 16x16 - 16376x16376 with step 1/1
        [10]: 'RGB4' (32-bit A/XRGB 8-8-8-8)
                Size: Stepwise 16x16 - 16376x16376 with step 1/1
        [11]: 'BA81' (8-bit Bayer BGBG/GRGR)
                Size: Stepwise 16x16 - 16376x16376 with step 1/1
        [12]: 'GBRG' (8-bit Bayer GBGB/RGRG)
                Size: Stepwise 16x16 - 16376x16376 with step 1/1
        [13]: 'GRBG' (8-bit Bayer GRGR/BGBG)
                Size: Stepwise 16x16 - 16376x16376 with step 1/1
        [14]: 'RGGB' (8-bit Bayer RGRG/GBGB)
                Size: Stepwise 16x16 - 16376x16376 with step 1/1
        [15]: 'pBAA' (10-bit Bayer BGBG/GRGR Packed)
                Size: Stepwise 16x16 - 16376x16376 with step 1/1
        [16]: 'BG10' (10-bit Bayer BGBG/GRGR)
                Size: Stepwise 16x16 - 16376x16376 with step 1/1
        [17]: 'pGAA' (10-bit Bayer GBGB/RGRG Packed)
                Size: Stepwise 16x16 - 16376x16376 with step 1/1
        [18]: 'GB10' (10-bit Bayer GBGB/RGRG)
                Size: Stepwise 16x16 - 16376x16376 with step 1/1
        [19]: 'pgAA' (10-bit Bayer GRGR/BGBG Packed)
                Size: Stepwise 16x16 - 16376x16376 with step 1/1
        [20]: 'BA10' (10-bit Bayer GRGR/BGBG)
                Size: Stepwise 16x16 - 16376x16376 with step 1/1
        [21]: 'pRAA' (10-bit Bayer RGRG/GBGB Packed)
                Size: Stepwise 16x16 - 16376x16376 with step 1/1
        [22]: 'RG10' (10-bit Bayer RGRG/GBGB)
                Size: Stepwise 16x16 - 16376x16376 with step 1/1
        [23]: 'pBCC' (12-bit Bayer BGBG/GRGR Packed)
                Size: Stepwise 16x16 - 16376x16376 with step 1/1
        [24]: 'BG12' (12-bit Bayer BGBG/GRGR)
                Size: Stepwise 16x16 - 16376x16376 with step 1/1
        [25]: 'pGCC' (12-bit Bayer GBGB/RGRG Packed)
                Size: Stepwise 16x16 - 16376x16376 with step 1/1
        [26]: 'GB12' (12-bit Bayer GBGB/RGRG)
                Size: Stepwise 16x16 - 16376x16376 with step 1/1
        [27]: 'pgCC' (12-bit Bayer GRGR/BGBG Packed)
                Size: Stepwise 16x16 - 16376x16376 with step 1/1
        [28]: 'BA12' (12-bit Bayer GRGR/BGBG)
                Size: Stepwise 16x16 - 16376x16376 with step 1/1
        [29]: 'pRCC' (12-bit Bayer RGRG/GBGB Packed)
                Size: Stepwise 16x16 - 16376x16376 with step 1/1
        [30]: 'RG12' (12-bit Bayer RGRG/GBGB)
                Size: Stepwise 16x16 - 16376x16376 with step 1/1
        [31]: 'pBEE' (14-bit Bayer BGBG/GRGR Packed)
                Size: Stepwise 16x16 - 16376x16376 with step 1/1
        [32]: 'BG14' (14-bit Bayer BGBG/GRGR)
                Size: Stepwise 16x16 - 16376x16376 with step 1/1
        [33]: 'pGEE' (14-bit Bayer GBGB/RGRG Packed)
                Size: Stepwise 16x16 - 16376x16376 with step 1/1
        [34]: 'GB14' (14-bit Bayer GBGB/RGRG)
                Size: Stepwise 16x16 - 16376x16376 with step 1/1
        [35]: 'pgEE' (14-bit Bayer GRGR/BGBG Packed)
                Size: Stepwise 16x16 - 16376x16376 with step 1/1
        [36]: 'GR14' (14-bit Bayer GRGR/BGBG)
                Size: Stepwise 16x16 - 16376x16376 with step 1/1
        [37]: 'pREE' (14-bit Bayer RGRG/GBGB Packed)
                Size: Stepwise 16x16 - 16376x16376 with step 1/1
        [38]: 'RG14' (14-bit Bayer RGRG/GBGB)
                Size: Stepwise 16x16 - 16376x16376 with step 1/1
        [39]: 'GREY' (8-bit Greyscale)
                Size: Stepwise 16x16 - 16376x16376 with step 1/1
        [40]: 'Y10P' (10-bit Greyscale (MIPI Packed))
                Size: Stepwise 16x16 - 16376x16376 with step 1/1
        [41]: 'Y10 ' (10-bit Greyscale)
                Size: Stepwise 16x16 - 16376x16376 with step 1/1
        [42]: 'Y12P' (12-bit Greyscale (MIPI Packed))
                Size: Stepwise 16x16 - 16376x16376 with step 1/1
        [43]: 'Y12 ' (12-bit Greyscale)
                Size: Stepwise 16x16 - 16376x16376 with step 1/1
        [44]: 'Y14P' (14-bit Greyscale (MIPI Packed))
                Size: Stepwise 16x16 - 16376x16376 with step 1/1
        [45]: 'Y14 ' (14-bit Greyscale)
                Size: Stepwise 16x16 - 16376x16376 with step 1/1
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ libcamera-hello
Preview window unavailable
[0:29:15.771130361] [6704]  INFO Camera camera_manager.cpp:293 libcamera v0.0.0+3517-dd8b1723
[0:29:15.805431131] [6705]  WARN CameraSensorProperties camera_sensor_properties.cpp:163 No static properties available for 'arducam-pivariety'
[0:29:15.805513630] [6705]  WARN CameraSensorProperties camera_sensor_properties.cpp:165 Please consider updating the camera sensor properties database
[0:29:15.805585648] [6705] ERROR CameraSensor camera_sensor.cpp:591 'arducam-pivariety 10-000c': Camera sensor does not support test pattern modes.
libcamera-hello: symbol lookup error: /usr/local/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libcamera/ undefined symbol: _ZN9libcamera14FileDescriptorC1ERKi


We don’t recommend using this method, you can use our installation tool directly,

wget -O
chmod +x
./ -p libcamera_dev
./ -p libcamera_apps
./ -p kernel_driver

Then reboot the raspberrypi and try it again.

hi thanks… my camera now on.

Glad this helped you, have a nice life.

Also have AR0234. Running standard Buster kernel - 32 bit. Got the wget package above and ran the shell scripts, but get: “Cannot find the corresponding package

Hardware Revision: a020d3
Kernel Version: 5.15.84-v7+
Package: kernel_driver -- buster
You are using an unsupported kernel version, please install the official SD Card image(do not execute rpi-update):

We do not support the Buster OS anymore. So we stop updating the camera driver for the Buster OS.
May you try the Bullseye OS?

Total frustration. I thought this camera was plug and play. I installed Bullseye 32-bit and followed all instructions. Now I get:

libcamera-still -t 5000 -o test.jpg
libEGL warning: DRI2: failed to authenticate
Made X/EGL preview window
[0:07:37.589622957] [2125]  INFO Camera camera_manager.cpp:293 libcamera v0.0.0+3897-c3c878a9
[0:07:37.608873242] [2139]  WARN CameraSensorProperties camera_sensor_properties.cpp:174 No static properties available for 'arducam-pivariety'
[0:07:37.608998971] [2139]  WARN CameraSensorProperties camera_sensor_properties.cpp:176 Please consider updating the camera sensor properties database
[0:07:37.632568741] [2139] ERROR IPAProxy ipa_proxy.cpp:149 Configuration file 'arducam-pivariety.json' not found for IPA module 'raspberrypi'
[0:07:37.974252984] [2139] ERROR DelayedControls delayed_controls.cpp:87 Delay request for control id 0x009a090a but control is not exposed by device /dev/v4l-subdev0
[0:07:37.974598453] [2139]  INFO RPI raspberrypi.cpp:1404 Registered camera /base/soc/i2c0mux/i2c@1/arducam_pivariety@c to Unicam device /dev/media3 and ISP device /dev/media0
[0:07:37.975504861] [2125]  INFO Camera camera.cpp:1035 configuring streams: (0) 960x600-YUV420
[0:07:38.054144649] [2139]  INFO RPI raspberrypi.cpp:765 Sensor: /base/soc/i2c0mux/i2c@1/arducam_pivariety@c - Selected sensor format: 1280x720-SGRBG10_1X10 - Selected unicam format: 1280x720-pgAA
[0:07:38.082499321] [2143]  WARN IPARPI raspberrypi.cpp:1008 Could not set af trigger - no af algorithm
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
  what():  failed to import fd 19

additional info:

dmesg | grep arducam
[   12.968633] arducam-pivariety 10-000c: firmware version: 0x10003
[   13.255991] arducam-pivariety 10-000c: Consider updating driver arducam-pivariety to match on endpoints

I have the same problem.

Hi @jinbert @chalktalk ,
Oh, do you use the Pi 3 or Pi zero? If so, please follow the steps below to enable the glomar acceleration.
Please run the command:
sudo raspi-config
->6. Advanced Options
->A8 Glamor
→ enable it
Then reboot your pi and give it a try to access the camera by libcamera command.

Hi Dion,

No, I use RPI 4B or CM4 and OS is bullseye Linux raspberrypi 5.15.61-v8+.

I returned mine to Amazon. If Arducam does not participate in the libcamera open source, I don’t want a proprietary camera that breaks when that package is revised.

Pi 4B should be normal without this problem. You need to check CM4 by following the command below:
sudo raspi-config
->6. Advanced Options
->A8 Glamor
→ enable it
Then reboot your pi and give it a try to access the camera by libcamera command.

I also got this cam this week and using it for a couple of days now.
I got it work with the install scripts mentioned above and in the arducam documentation. It all works and I can stream video.

In only have a question regarding this error that comes up everytime I start libcamera:

[0:17:58.225532729] [1763] ERROR IPAProxy ipa_proxy.cpp:149 Configuration file 'arducam-pivariety.json' not found for IPA module 'raspberrypi'

The command I used:

sudo libcamera-vid -t 0 --width 1280 --height 720 --framerate 60 -n -o udp://<IP>:Port

Is this a missing tuning file?


Please don’t worry about this problem. If there is a problem with the json file, the picture cannot be displayed normally. We have programmed this file into the hardware.

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