5MP Plus OV5642 Arduino mini pro 3.3V 8Mhz

1.Which seller did you purchase the product(s) from?
2.The Model number of the product(s) you have purchased?
3.Which Platform are you using the product(s) on?
arduino mini pro 3.3V 8Mhz, arduino mini pro 5V 16Mhz
4.Which instruction are you following?
your paper instruction manual,
5.Has your product ever worked properly?
yes, some times
6.What problems are you experiencing?
hello ArduGurus

we have a problem with ov5642 in our TROGLO project code were we run the camera with 3.3V power supply from a regulator but it seems that there is constantly errors when the system runs from a 3.3V Arduino 8Mhz. errors like there is no “Image save OK.” and there are not valid images stored in SD card.
is there a chance that the 8Mhz processor cant handle the right SPI bus speed ? or is it a problem with the voltage level ?
When a 5V pro mini 16Mhz runs the camera, things work correctly

bellow you see what serial monitor prints out running a sample code from examples “ArduCAM_Mini_5MP_Plus_4CAM_Capture2SD.ino”

Thank you very much in advance


Works with 5V Arduino MINI PRO (https://www.sparkfun.com/products/11113)

VCC (Camera, SD and Arduino) is on 5.0V

ArduCAM Start!
SPI1 interface OK.
SPI2 interface Error!
SPI3 interface Error!
SPI4 interface Error!
SD Card detected.
OV5642 detected.
start Capture
Capture Done.
The fifo length is :13880
Image save OK.
start Capture
Capture Done.
The fifo length is :13912
Image save OK.
start Capture
Capture Done.
The fifo length is :15464
Image save OK.
start Capture
Capture Done.
The fifo length is :13592
Image save OK.


Does NOT work with 3.3V Arduino MINI PRO (https://www.sparkfun.com/products/11114)

VCC (Camera, SD and Arduino) is on 3.3V

ArduCAM Start!
SPI1 interface OK.
SPI2 interface Error!
SPI3 interface Error!
SPI4 interface Error!
SD Card detected.
OV5642 detected.
start Capture
Capture Done.
The fifo length is :7144
Image save OK.
start Capture
Capture Done.
The fifo length is :7352
Image save OK.
start Capture
Capture Done.
The fifo length is :7320
Image save OK.
start Capture
Capture Done.
The fifo length is :7016
start Capture
Capture Done.
The fifo length is :6872
start Capture
Capture Done.
The fifo length is :7032
start Capture
Capture Done.
The fifo length is :7112
7.What attempts at troubleshooting have you already made?
change arduino from OEM to Originals, tryed with different supply voltage levels, try different cameras OV5642 - OV5640,
8.How would you like us to help you?
suggest ways to ensure SPI reliable data transfer, advice on 3.3V operation, chip select issues that may cause problems, logic level issues with 3.3V operationg voltage

I’m sorry that the forum failed to respond to your question in time. Have you solved the problem now?


thanks for reply

nop . problem still persist…

we run an experiment circuit with 5V original arduino mini pro and 5V regulator to supply the camera and we got 2000 photos with 0 Bytes …
we still dont know what the problem is that cause inconsistencies …
we are getting a BUS PIRATE to check the communication

any tips ?


Since we have not tested the board you are using, we cannot guarantee to give very specific suggestions. But what we can be clear is that 5MP Plus supports 3.3V power supply. Judging from your phenomenon, it is likely that the power supply is insufficient. You can measure whether the voltage of the camera module is normal when starting capture.